Microsoft — Azure Fundamentals

I expanded my expertise in cloud computing and Azure services. Ready to apply this new knowledge to propel projects forward with enhanced cloud capabilities

University of Michigan— Python - Programming

I learned the basics of Python. I understood the concept of programs and the use of variables in programs. I learned all about conditional execution, repeated execution and functions, and code reuse.

SQL Masterclass

Employed essential SQL commands proficiently, utilizing sorting and filtering techniques effectively. Enhanced database performance through the implementation of Views and Indexes, showcasing a commitment to efficient data management.

React Developer

I built enterprise-level React applications and deployed them to production. Learned the latest features in React including Hooks, Context API, Suspense, React Lazily, and more. Used Firebase to build full-stack applications and converted apps to Progressive Web Apps.

Tableau : A-Z Masterclass

I learned data visualization through Tableau 2022 and created opportunities for myself and key decision-makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, etc.

Power-BI Masterclass

I learned to generate valuable insights for myself and my company to improve strategic decision making and create competitive advantages with the power of Microsoft Power BI.

St. Marguerite d'Youville Secondary School— OSSD

Honor roll student achieving 90%+ Average towards the Ontario High School Diploma while acceding in the Ontario high school curriculum.